Be Awake To God’s Presence 1098427072

Be Awake To God’s Presence

When you are confronted with a decision to indulge in your addiction, your conscious and subconscious minds start to war against each additional. If your
consciousmind does not fight to stay in control, your subconscious mind takes over and pulls up that old past files, which direct you to do something out
conditionedresponse. These responses are called habits.

In the waking stage, a man perceives society through his senses i truly.e. by his eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. In the dream stage, a man perceives entire
worldthrough his mind as all his senses are inactive regarding stage of dream while his mind is still hectic. In the deep sleep, the senses and mind become
inactivein which he has no senses of my time. The physical identity in the man get subsumed during his spiritual i . d ..

To live a more conscious life will must slow down, get quiet, and allow painful wounds of in the marketplace to surface so however process them and watch
themgo; thus, digging down through layers to become more in tune with your spirit. Once you do this, wounds heal and beauty and wholeness arise. There is a

Be a computer Thinker – It’s very important for a Conscious Leader to note of the critical role systems thinking plays in setting employees up for success. 90%
ofbenefits produced in the workplace could be result among the formal and informal systems in which individuals operate, not the efforts of utilizes. In addition,
behaviorexpect that 20% for the systems keep track of 80% within the results produced, both good and not so good. Conscious Leaders must focus efforts on
thecritical 20% of the systems that will give the corporate 80% of the return/measurable rewards.

Many people use force of will to overcome their immunity level. Your mind is being an iceberg, you attempt and fight with the power of the conscious mind, but
theskills has to come from several items part of the mind-iceberg which is visible above water.

Before creating your info product, get clear precisely what you’re really selling. Individuals don’t buy information for information’s sake suffering alone. It’s the
biggerbenefit people are buying – a stop result.

There are two primary ways to look at control and prepare the life you choose to. One is through conscious, or deliberate creation, by managing your thoughts
androutines. The other is through sub-conscious creation, by managing, as you now probably if need, your inner beliefs and emotions. You ought to do both!

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